Gaillan Crèche

Located on open ground in the centre of the town, the crèche site is protected by a square enclosing wall. A gap in this wall frames the view towards the village bell-tower from the interior patios. Located at the centre of the square, a large glazed area has many different uses, depending on the time of day and the weather conditions. The covered section guides families from the entry porch to the early-learning rooms, or is used for noisy games during nap time or in wet weather. The open section becomes a courtyard connecting the two patios, enlarging the outdoor play areas.


Crèche + Childminder services, Gaillan (33) - 
Client : Combined District Councils Cœur de Médoc -
 New build, 2007 -
Surface area 380 sqm -
 With Atelier Provisoire, architects